Michele R Messina PC w Ronkonkoma

Stany ZjednoczoneMichele R Messina PC


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2395, Ocean Avenue, 11779, Ronkonkoma, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-676-3875
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8060487, Longitude: -73.1235549

komentarze 5

  • Sal Pirillo

    Sal Pirillo


    As a custom homes builder I've used Michele for all of our Long Island real estate transactions for many years now. She's always been very thorough when reading and drafting contracts. I've always recommended her to friends and family members as well and have never had anyone regret her representation. Any negative reviews here or elsewhere about her or her office staff are pure BS in my honest opinion.

  • en

    Sean Murnane


    Did a fantastic job! Went above and beyond. Purchased a short sale, and Michelle really went to bat for me over a 13 month process.

  • Angelith Usuga

    Angelith Usuga


    She is not someone that will protect your interest. My father bought a house and it was her job to make sure that all the issue of the house were fixed. After we moved in, we found out that none of the issues including pluming, electrical work and boiler had not been fixed. My father has spend over $5,000 on repairs that she said we are not entitle to any money back from the contractors who fixed the house




    If I could give this lady no stars that's what I would do!! They had a home for sale that my husband and I were under contract for. Their Seller "did not know" she was not the actual owner of said property. We asked her seller to pay the $560 of incurred fees, since it resulted in no home for us. They flat out said no! Out of pure decency they should, due to the fact it was a problem on their end!! $560 may not be much but resulting in nothing is basically a waste. Ms. Nolan know that said property is termite free. No self responsibility taken. You wasted three months and money that we could used in finding a home for our family.

  • en

    Crystal Powers


    Worst Attorney Ever, her staff is so Rude and she is never in the office. She has Literally held up the closing so bad that we had to walk away from the house.

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