Michaelangelo's Pizza i Nashville

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Forenede StaterMichaelangelo's Pizza



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205, 22nd Avenue North, 37203, Nashville, Davidson County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 615-329-2979
internet side: michaelangelos-pizza.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.1518032, Longitude: -86.8040765

kommentar 5

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    Christina Chambers


    Had a very nice pizza buffet which was kept well-stocked, plus a salad bar. The decorations are casual Mediterranean.

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    Alaysha harden


    I used to love the pizza and pasta at this place, but the prices have increased so much. The quality of the food is not worth the price. I ordered 2 pasta dishes, that would have usually came up to around 18$, but due to the increase in price, it comes up to 30$. They have began charging extra for things that used to come with the dish (charging 2 dollars for meatballs in spaghetti). Additionally, their pasta dishes already taste like microwavable trays out of the frozen food section and yet the prices have nearly doubled.

  • Marktwain Carpenter

    Marktwain Carpenter


    Very very delicious pizza I don't know what the style of pizza is called but I'm always looking for it and every city I go to it is not one of those regionally celebrated styles of pizza like New York style deep dish it's a different style like Pizzeria style pizza maybe. But the crust is just right in the toppings are great. The service is also very good.

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    Scott Harm


    I would have given this place zero stars but that wasn't an option, this place just plain sucks. It's dirty , and expensive. Set up kind of buffet style, I hit it at lunch time and nothing looked fresh, like it has been there for hours. Cost me 7 bucks for 4 slices. Did not eat a whole slice, made the trash. Save your money go to the grocery store and buy yourself a tombstone pizza. You will be glad you did.

  • Ari Bradshaw

    Ari Bradshaw


    WARNING: DO NOT SUPPORT THIS BUSINESS. I ordered a pizza from Michaelangelo's through my school's delivery app. I'm a poor student on financial aid where I can't afford to waste money on food. I ordered a 12" pizza, 1/2 gallon iced tea, and a Gatorade. When my order was delivered, the pizza had the wrong sauce on it. Figuring that if I called they would help me out, I called and was treated with absolute disrespect by the man on the other end of the phone. He said that it wasn't his fault and that he had no obligation to replace the pizza because the order was taken down wrong inside. He told me what they had written down was wrong and despite my claim that I ordered a different pizza he refused to help out. He told me that in order to get a new pizza I'd have to travel to his restaurant and complain to manager. I don't have a car and that's absurd regardless. Please don't support these crooks. Took my order down wrong then refused to fix it. I lost nearly $20.

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