Michael & Ping's w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMichael & Ping's



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437, 3rd Avenue, 11215, Kings County, New York, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 718-788-0017
strona internetowej: www.michaelandpings.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6720849, Longitude: -73.9901426

komentarze 5

  • Karen Jackson

    Karen Jackson


    Delicious, authentic Chinese cuisine. Everything I’ve ever ordered from here is great. Keep in mind it’s cash only.

  • en

    Micah Hunter


    Great food and servoce. Its the kind of Chinese food you can eat and not feel like a grease barrel afterwards

  • Katherine Hedge

    Katherine Hedge


    I love this food. Great take out

  • Lady Ace

    Lady Ace


    Lapin and I came here on earlier in the week for a quick dinner. When, we arrived there a few tables occupied but still ample seating available. You place an order at the cashier and you either pick up your order or they deliver it to your table. I would recommend giving people cards to place on their table since, the cashier dropped our food on another person's table. Lapin ordered the General Tso's chicken, which had plump lightly coated white meat. The entree was delicious and Lapin cleared the entire dish out in five seconds. I ordered the Chicken and Broccoli, which was light and flavorful. My only qualm with my dish is that it lacked enough sauce. I ordered brown rice and when I mixed the little sauce it came with, my food was still a dry. (This dish doesn't taste well after 1 - 2 days as leftovers, best bet either to eat all or order something else):) I like how the food was flavorful but light and didn't leave us feeling bloated or stuff. On a side note, it is definitely more expensive than your average Chinese takeout, but they also utilize healthier ingredients.

  • en

    Eternal Spiral Books


    Delicious, fresh food, lovely bright modern atmosphere. Highly recommend the papaya salad and the eggplant. Prices have crept up a little recently but large portions mean 2 or 3 meals out of most of what you order. Eat in or take out. I usually phone in my order and by the time I walk up, it is ready. All the sauces etc are homemade and it is a very green restaurant. A good selection for vegetarians. Grab a slice of pie from the pie shoppe next door and you will have a heavenly meal fit for royalty.

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