Michael Manasar Dentistry i Wappingers Falls

Forenede StaterMichael Manasar Dentistry



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83, East Main Street, 12590, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-297-6432
internet side: manasardentistry.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.596665, Longitude: -73.913141

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kaitlyn Denbaum


    Michael Manasar is the best dentist I have ever had!! You are not just another patient going to the dentist, he really gets to know you and knows you by name when you go to his office. His office is like a family atmosphere, everyone is so friendly and nice. He is the most thorough dentist I have ever had also, he explains everything to you and answers any questions you have. He is honest and will only do the best for you as his patient. I would recommend anyone to go to Dr. Mike Manasar.

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    Matt Miller


    Dr. Michael Manasar and his staff are excellent! The rooms are bright and clean, it's always a professional and friendly experience... Dr. Michael is a wealth of knowledge and his experience shows with his great work.

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    Michael Canino


    In for my six month cleaning, and wow, Dr Manasar continues with his fine dentistry working skills, with great precision and encouragement. He even has your favorite music piped in for a cool atmosphere. His co-workers are super pleasant to interact with too!

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    Sean McKinley


    I travel over an hour and across state lines to see Dr. Mike and it's worth every inch of the commute! He's caring & conscientious, extremely knowledgeable and utilizes state-of-the-art equipment with great skill. I can not recommend Dr. Mike highly enough!

  • Donald Smith

    Donald Smith


    Years of great service! I have been seeing Dr. Manasar for many years. Dr. Manasar is knowledgeable dentist taking great care when treating me. He is always gentle, and professional. He always made time for me when I had a bad tooth and needed to see him. The office staff is great always completing my insurance forms on time. You can't find a better more caring dentist, I would highly recommend him.

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