Michael Friedman DDS w Patchogue

Stany ZjednoczoneMichael Friedman DDS



🕗 godziny otwarcia

99, North Ocean Avenue, 11772, Patchogue, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-475-0009
strona internetowej: www.drmikefriedman.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7675089, Longitude: -73.014862

komentarze 5

  • en

    Valentin Timon


    I,as a person I’m very afraid of doctors , but since I meet dr Friedman I’ve become very comfortable coming to his office , he has done some very extensive work on my teeth , and I’m not just happy with the results , I’m really amazed of the results of doctor Friedman patience with me and the smile I’m able to have every day ! Thank you ! ( also Samantha his assistant great person and wonderful to talk too )

  • Kerith Kilhenny

    Kerith Kilhenny


    Dr. Friedman and his staff are wonderful. He has a great way with his patients and made me feel at ease before getting work done. He was so good, I did not feel the novocaine shot at all. Highly recommend!

  • Cassandra DiMarco

    Cassandra DiMarco


    I have gone to Dr. Friedman for many years now. As a person who has had a lot of problems with my teeth, he has always corrected everything and I end up leaving pain free. I wouldn't trust any other Dentist to work on my teeth. His staff are all so nice and help you with payment plans if you can't financially pay for everything at once. Samantha at the front desk is a sweetheart. If I have an emergency she always schedules me for an appointment that same day. This is truly a very nice office to go to.

  • en

    Amelia James


    Dr. Friedman is an excellent dentist. I’ve been going to him for years for check ups and cleanings. Recently, I lost a tooth and needed a root canal and a post and crown. The process was painless and the tooth looks amazing. I recommend Dr. Friedman to anyone who needs dental work.

  • en

    Mike Fowler


    When i came to the Dr Friedman , i was ready to give up on many of my teeth. The doctor and his staff worked with me and my insurance, and im well on my way to having my smile back for the first time in a long time. If you need professional work done by a caring staff this is your dentist

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