Michael A. Contracting Inc. en Carmel Hamlet

Estados UnidosMichael A. Contracting Inc.



🕗 horarios

215, Daisy Lane, 10512, Carmel Hamlet, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-276-5040
sitio web: www.michael-a-contracting.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.35874, Longitude: -73.66155

comentarios 2

  • en

    Arnold Schuff


    Michael A Contracting did a beautiful job replacing my driveway and building three stone walls at the top of my driveway last summer. Michael was a pleasure to work with. I was always able to contact him via phone and e-mail, and he and his workers were at my house when he said they would be. There were no issues making some modifications to the original plans, and the cost was reasonable. I first called Michael A Contracting because of the beautiful work they did for the Our Lady Queen on Angels Chapel (St John the Evangelist church) in Mahopac. Highly recommended.

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    Tim Barnes


    Absolutely awful. He never showed up for the first appointment he scheduled with me. I waited over an hour and a half. No call, no nothing. So that night I called and spoke to who I guess is his receptionist? She apologized and explained that he was just sooooo busy that day. I told her my time is valuable and I can't be waiting around for someone. She offered to reschedule for the next day. I told her I'd reschedule but I better not get stood up again. I made sure she had my phone number, again explained that I don't have time to sit around, and said I expected a call if he was running behind, etc. Guess what? The next day was the same thing. Again, he never showed up and I never even got a call. I was so pissed I left a message on his voicemail saying I'd like to talk to him about how he runs his business. Guess what? I never got a call on that either. Is this the type of person you want working on your home? I know what my answer is.

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