Mica D's Barber Shop w Ronkonkoma

Stany ZjednoczoneMica D's Barber Shop



🕗 godziny otwarcia

67, Railroad Avenue, 11779, Ronkonkoma, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-580-3073
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8085866, Longitude: -73.1085158

komentarze 5

  • Rick Franco

    Rick Franco


    very professional in handling customers. got my hair done nicely.

  • en

    C Paolucci


    Great barbers fair pricing. They cut hair the right way. Rizzo is an excellent barber.

  • en

    Eddie Dunne


    Great Barber Shop! Team Mica put together a great environment and group of skilled barbers. I've been taking my son to these guys for over 5 years. They have been able to satisfy his many style adjustments over the years with ease. He refuses to go to any other barber.

  • Ed Ryan

    Ed Ryan


    I thought it said "Barber" on the front, but "Butcher" would have been more appropriate. Maybe they do a better job on short hair. But I asked for a trim to my shoulders and it came way shorter than that. Not only that, the guy couldn't even get it all the same length. There's a chunk on one side that I don't think he even touched. He spent more time shaving my neck than actually cutting my hair. Now I have to wait for this disaster to grow out and then see someone with actual skill to fix it.

  • en

    James Coyne


    I've been going to Mica's with both my young son's for about 5 years now. Place is great, guys are very friendly with the kids all the time. They always make sure to change the music or the tv to something geared more towards young kids. The kids love going there. The cuts are always awesome and their very accommodating when i need a last minute appointment for me or the boys. Great Barber Shop!! Would recommend to anyone with or without kids.

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