Mia Bella Hair Studio w Islip Terrace

Stany ZjednoczoneMia Bella Hair Studio


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64, Carleton Avenue, 11752, Islip Terrace, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-750-7666
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7505673, Longitude: -73.1948299

komentarze 5

  • Pablo Benenaula

    Pablo Benenaula


    My wife and I love going there . Liza is the best

  • en

    Julia Palencia


    Owner is so friendly and nice and the prices are reasonable so that makes me want to go back!

  • Iam Goregeous21

    Iam Goregeous21


    Theresa is a really nice Lady, but I don't think she knows how to cut hair. My hair looks horrible!😢

  • en

    Jill Simson


    Ugh. Never. Again. Brace yourself, this is a long review. Some background - I have curly (3b) hair, which is fine and tends to be dry. I never blow dry my hair (even when I go for a trim) and the only time I flat iron is when I have just had a keratin treatment done. I have had many keratin treatments in the past, but stopped doing them for a time about 2 years ago because it was making my hair too straight. I figured it was safe to start doing them again, and purchased a Groupon to this salon for a keratin treatment and trim. As I said, I have curly hair. I'm used to stylists having to comb through my knots. However, this stylist was RIPPING the brush through my hair. I had to stop myself from crying out. And even though she repeatedly would hit a snag, she never eased up. When my head would inevitably follow the ripping motion so my scalp didn't come off my skull, she would shove my head back in place. Keratin treatment goes on, then the blow dry and flat iron. The tearing of my hair continues. As she flat irons, I notice that it's not as smooth as the treatments I've had in the past. Usually after a treatment, my hair is so silky that I can barely hold it in my fingers without it slipping through. This time, my hair is sticky, knotty, and has pieces sticking out at the bottom. I say to the stylist that it seems more rough than usual. She states yeah, it is, maybe because they did the color first? At this point I just want to get out of there. I ask how much the keratin and cut is normally, because as any good Groupon user knows, you tip on the full amount of the service. She says $125 and $15; interesting, this adds up to $140. The Groupon said the service is usually $200. I go next door to get my nails done and text my husband frantically that my hair is all screwed up and smells horrible. He tells me to go back there and demand they fix it. After a few deep breaths, I calm down and say maybe it’s the argan oil I had been using in my hair – it can be a little too thick sometimes and maybe interacted with the treatment. I’ll reserve judgment until I wash my hair in four days. I couldn’t wait to wash my hair because it still smelled and felt downright awful. My husband said it smelled burnt; as I never really blow dry or iron my hair, I didn’t even know what that smelled like. After it was washed and dried, I notice the ends are really frizzy. One section in particular is extremely frizzy to the point where it looks damaged. Again, this is not normal based on my experiences with keratin treatments in the past. I go back to the salon to see if they can fix it. When I go back, the owner is totally, totally uninterested in helping me. I show her the damaged section, saying I think my hair may have been burnt in drying process. She says, “No, it’s definitely not burnt, it’s just curly.” Wat? Have you ever seen curly hair before? She says we can do a deep conditioning treatment, just wait five minutes. As I’m waiting, I ask what kind of keratin product they use so I can google it and see if anyone else had an adverse reaction to this type. She pretty much just ignores me. I think, why in god’s name would I need a deep conditioning treatment if I just got a keratin treatment, which is pretty much the deepest conditioning treatment you can get? I say screw it, it’ll probably just need to be cut off, and leave. Driving home, I calm down and think I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. I make an appointment at the place I usually get my hair done (Maria’s Style and File in Holbrook!) to see what they say about it. When I go, they say yup, hair is definitely burnt, and needs to go. Thankfully, they are competent hairstylists and managed to give me a nice cut in the process, even though I was trying to grow my hair out. So, either the owner of Mia Bella either A) doesn’t know what burnt hair looks like or B) lied. As both are pretty terrible, I will never, ever return.

  • Jennifer Vallario

    Jennifer Vallario


    Went in with a Groupon and was still treated like a full paying customer. Got exactly what I asked for. The hair cut was great, the deep treatment really worked, and the blow out was awesome. The staff is nice and personable, and the prices are reasonable. Would recommend and would return.

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