MGM Grand Monoraild Station i Las Vegas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMGM Grand Monoraild Station



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3799, S Las Vegas Blvd, 89109, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 702-699-8222
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.1024647, Longitude: -115.16781

kommentar 5

  • Jason Wolf

    Jason Wolf


    Super spacious and only cost a dollar for locals ... Great way to commute from MGM to Westgate...

  • Carolina Soto

    Carolina Soto


    Great price to move around, I took the tram bc i didn't know where to go, got off at the flamingo and stopped by for some food! then i walked back to the Luxor Hotel. its clean and its fast!

  • Ria Matlib

    Ria Matlib


    Great rail system! Takes you from points you'd like to go. Connecting MGM Grand Central to other sites. Air conditioned to keep you cool from the desert heat. Great sites to take in while you relax on the way.

  • Darrell



    Way to go. Runs along back side of hotels to convention center and beyond. Wished it went to airport

  • en

    Dylan Brady


    Be careful, there are multiple lines so if you aren't paying attention you might go somewhere you don't want to. Each of the major hotel chains has a separate line that travels to their own casinos but it's a fun good way to get around the strip for fairly cheap, just go for the all day package.

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