MetroPCS Authorized Dealer w Aurora

Stany ZjednoczoneMetroPCS Authorized Dealer



🕗 godziny otwarcia

606, Peoria Street, 80011, Aurora, Arapahoe County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 720-216-0918
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7260019, Longitude: -104.8467051

komentarze 5




    They have always treated with respect! Great plans that legit are fast, reliable and affordable! And they are the cheapest GSM dealer in the US

  • en

    Cynthia Greene


    Customer service is getting better all the time.

  • Tracy Nelson

    Tracy Nelson


    Pleasantly surprised with the quality of service. I love the kids over here and they actually have gone out of their way to assist me with the myriad of hassles and issues i've experienced with Project Fi service and Cricket/AT&T. Google literally has carriers and BS admin device apps installed on my LG Nexus 5X which continue to re-enable themselves and which are all vying to start and render me phoneless but PCS just works and a simple restart puts PCS back in the driver seat every time. Thanks fellas you have at least solved one critical issue for me and that's having an active working phone line at all times even though these other carriers won't go away at least you stay in control. Thanks and I'm happy with the service and the quality customer service, face time, and patience you have given to me and i plan on using your service at this location specifically because of you young kids. I can't thank you enough and I'm sure I'll see ya next week for some other issue. I can't thank you enough so good job and keep up the good work!

  • Treason Terminator

    Treason Terminator


    Just like Allyson, I too experienced HORRIBLE Customer Service on a Lousy LG Leon Phone the Sales Clerk at this location (911 S. Havana) advised me to buy - which had HORRIBLE Sound Quality & despite 2 return visits, they TOLD me to SEND it BACK to LG & be w/o a phone for 3 weeks !!! 911 S. Havana is the WORST Metro PCS Location I've ever visited in the Denver Metro Area !!!

  • Allyson Garcia

    Allyson Garcia


    Terrible customer service on the limited product they have in stock. Will not be returning to this location as they are not interested in providing the products promised to customers. Do not recommend.

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