MetroPCS Authorized Dealer w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneMetroPCS Authorized Dealer



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3455, East Speedway Boulevard, 85716, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-393-3382
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2365545, Longitude: -110.9188997

komentarze 5

  • Jamus Stroup

    Jamus Stroup


    Drop by and speak ro Hannah; she'll be right on top of setting you up right. Up to date selection and top notch information. Straight forward and honest.

  • Roving Streets

    Roving Streets


    They sold me a broken phone and refused to send it in to the manufacturer as they should have. They are avoiding getting my phone fixed, Ive waited 6 days for the district manager to return my call. The manufactuter of the phone called the store to correct inaccuracies they were telling me about my warranty so I could have a phone while awaiting service and the sales person said he was with a customer and put a samsung manager and me on hold for an hour. They used to be helpful. Now they are no longer helpful nor ethical.

  • en

    B King


    Always been happy with service however the the so called upgrade is bs. They expect you to pay full price for the phone plus a 15 dollar fee gonna be looking else where really sad they give all the deals to new customers and not exsisting ones

  • en

    Tara Van Camp


    The young man helping us got me the best deal on a new phone, case and glass screen protector that I've ever heard of!!! And he was very knowledgeable, respectful and personable!!! Great location!!

  • en

    Cynthia Cervantes


    I called the store today around 7:10 and cory or cody said they were closed when i asked him what time usually do they close he really didnt tell me but because I work for another metro location I knew most close at 8 so I knew he was lying!!!! Pretty sad that he would refuse making the store money all because he was lazy or just didnt wanna take any payments because he wanted to leave!!! Sorry ass excuse and ill make sure not to send no customers over

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