MetroPCS Authorized Dealer w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneMetroPCS Authorized Dealer



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3202, North 1st Avenue, 85719, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-396-3673
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2651865, Longitude: -110.9605654

komentarze 5

  • Cecilia Kennedy

    Cecilia Kennedy


    My ZTE Blade was stolen and can't seem to get Metro to help me or work with me to obtain another whilst my line just sits suspended, not being used, and the bill will come around again having to be paid! This really sucks. Then, they offer you insurance that comes from a third party company that you can't even use for any kind of issue!!! WHAT!!! REALLY!!!

  • Tami Moore Stump

    Tami Moore Stump


    Just got me , my husband and our son a new phone and got each one on a $50 plan, Talk about pulling teeth to get a special that they have advertised right on there window ! Then the real kicker came when I got a Bluetooth speaker with fm radio , was told I was getting a good deal $7 off ! So a $47 speaker for $40 So I head home and find out Wal-Mart has them for $16 !!!! Yeah good deal....for them ! So I'm here now and was rather rudely informed my fm radio/Bluetooth speaker is a phone accessory so NO RETURNS . Was offered nothing but a goodbye. So now I'm off to Cricket to port my numbers and to the pawn shop to sell the phones !!!! BE WARNED STAY AWAY !!! RUDE IGNORANT AND VERY KINDLY RIP YOU OFF !!!

  • en

    gabe lopez


    Very rude and unknoledgable on phones and prices. I was in middle of talking to a representative when another employee came in with lunch all workers disappeared to the back to eat and left us waitn in the showroom.

  • Janecelyn Salcido

    Janecelyn Salcido



  • en

    Mike Erwin


    worst service and employes ive ever come across in over 15yrs of having cell phones tried to activate a phone try said they could do no problem once they took my money they couldnt activate then refuse to give me a refund wouldnt let me talk to manager try calling next day talk with owner or manager told i couldnt wanted everyone to know what company is like i will be call better buiness buerro and attroney general hopefully owner reads this then hell know what kind of employees he or she has working for them hes a latino 《boy》 skinny little runt i wont forget

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