Metro Urgicare w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMetro Urgicare



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3200, Grand Concourse, 10458, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-354-7879
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8768481, Longitude: -73.8851628

komentarze 5

  • Cynthia Tejeda

    Cynthia Tejeda


    Clean, fast service, staff was polite and professional. Ny son was seen for bronchitis and they gave me all the correct medication he needed and provided us wirh a nebulizer when i followed up woth my actual pediatrician they were impressed with the care given at a urgent center.. they even called me a week later to check on my 2 year old to see if he felt he is much Better.

  • Tatiana Mato

    Tatiana Mato


    Great here in been here with my mom because she works there to protect the company and they were very welcoming to me and nice. They were all focused on there work and I saw patients come out happy. Great place to go

  • Nitza Ramirez

    Nitza Ramirez


    This is my second visit to this urgent care. Staff is very nice especially Yashira always greets you with a smile on her face. Will return if ever need be

  • en



    Extremely long waiting to be called, I arrived at about 12pm and didn't get seen until 2:30pm. Was called and put in a room for a whole hour after vital check. Never coming here again, will return to my local urgent care ProHealth on Morris park in the Bronx. They are very friendly and will see you in timely matter.

  • en



    The staff here are very polite, attentive, and very professional. I went with flu like symptoms and was able to be treated and had prescriptions sent to my pharmacy. Upon leaving i realized the pharmacy i gave for my prescriptions to be sent would be closed, it being sunday so i had to call and have them forward it to a different one. And in less the 10 minutes my prescriptions were already at the pharmacy. Overall a great experience.

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