Metric Subaru i Huntington

Forenede StaterMetric Subaru



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1767, East Jericho Turnpike, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-904-7749
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8345878, Longitude: -73.3381249

kommentar 5

  • Tonianne Napolitano

    Tonianne Napolitano


    Metric Subaru has been kind, compassionate and consistent in all of the amazing work that was done on my vehicle. I would not trust any other dealership! It has been beyond a pleasure to work with them and they have been nothing but accommodating and caring with everything! The staff is great! The service is wonderful!!

  • John Feinberg

    John Feinberg


    John in the service department needs to be recognized for his amazing customer service. I had another Subaru dealership really give me a bad experience for both of my cars and I expressed my worries to John, and he immediately agreed with me and did his best to fit me and my family in on an emergency maintenance issue, no fighting or arguing. That is how Subaru should be treating their customers. Kudos to John and the rest of the service folks.

  • en

    Joseph DeRosa


    Vinny is a great guy to buy a car from. Service department never had an issue with. Good deals great cars. Super service

  • Theodore pham

    Theodore pham


    First time car buyer Great experience with dealership .Worked out pricing online with Michele. Then finished off paperwork in person with Vinny and mike. Everyone was very helpful and kind and did their best to make this experience as good as possible.

  • en

    ma L


    Very impressed with their sales department!!! They treat their customers in a respectful manner. One doesn't waste their time being caught up in a game like other dealers play. If you know what you want, they get right to the point, explain the options and financing. John, the salesperson and Larry, Business Manager, went out of their way to accommodate us. We will go there again!!! If you're in the market for a Subaru, deal with family owned Metric Subaru

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