Merchant w New Orleans

Stany ZjednoczoneMerchant



🕗 godziny otwarcia

800, Common Street, 70112, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 504-571-9580
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.9527951, Longitude: -90.0712959

komentarze 5

  • Jason Perrone

    Jason Perrone


    They have the first disposable French press takeout cup that I have ever seen. I didn't know that was a thing. Try the Loxsmith breakfast sandwich. Lox, capers, fried egg with a perfectly runny yolk and a healthy dose of goat cheese. Delicious.

  • Kathleen Vijaywergiya

    Kathleen Vijaywergiya


    The food was great. Unfortunately after we left and looked at our emailed receipt we saw that we paid way too much in tip! The counter staff added 20% unbeknownst to us and then we added 20% when the iPad was turned to us to sign. This seems pretty fraudulent that there was no way to know the staff had already added the 20% before we added our own gratuity.

  • Brian Canterbury

    Brian Canterbury


    Great food. Paid via credit card, they swiped and turned the touch screen to me to sign and tip. Clicked the customary 20%, signed and turned screen back to staff. Received email receipt. Shows “auto gratuity” a flat 20% and then another 20% that I placed. I have no problem with an auto tip, but you damn well better tell me or have it obviously placed in view in the screen when I sign! Complete scam.

  • en

    Amy Montoya


    So happy to find this little spot right around the corner from my hotel. Clean and bright atmosphere with GOOD coffee. I had the Egg + Speck crepe and it was delicious, the goat cheese and the side of greens really made this dish pop.

  • Kyle Golombos

    Kyle Golombos


    I'm visiting New Orleans until the weekend, and this was the first coffee shop I dropped into. I have the opportunity to work remotely, so I felt I really hit the jackpot with this spot. It's got plenty of tables to sit down, the environment is excellent, the service was great, and the food was pretty delicious. I got the Turkey Baguette served with a side salad. Phenomenal. Five stars. Go here. Do it. Do it now.

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