Men's Wearhouse and Tux i Yorktown Heights

Forenede StaterMen's Wearhouse and Tux



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650, Lee Boulevard, 10598, Yorktown Heights, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-245-0673
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Latitude: 41.3286879, Longitude: -73.808561

kommentar 4

  • en



    First of all, the suits and shoes etc. were all very nice. More expensive than they should have been; but very nice. Unfortunately, not one person that worked there seemed to have a clue. Every question was met with confusion, rambling, passing the buck to the “manager”’s so frustrating to deal with people who don’t take their job seriously. Finally, we ended up dealing with Dee. After cutting through the standard level of confusion and delay, she proved herself to be pretty helpful. Sadly, I’d say typical JV Mall service.

  • en

    Tara Werner


    My husband and groomsmen (4 total: 1 best man, 3 groomsmen) selected their tuxedos at the Jefferson Valley Mall location in Yorktown Heights, NY for our wedding on May 19, 2017. The staff was helpful and made recommendations that would complement the bridesmaids’ dresses (Bill Levkoff Style #779 Regency). The only negative comment I have about this location is that they only had the correct size for the best man to try on so he had to serve as the model for the group. I think it would be best to carry a sample in the most common sizes so that a proper fit can be determined. I feel like this is especially important with rentals as limited alterations can be made. Nevertheless, the groom and his groomsmen looked handsome on our wedding day. - Tara (Werner) and Paul Quagliato

  • Anthony Hernandez

    Anthony Hernandez


    Google sponsored links are dumb, I live in Kentucky. 3 Star for no bias.

  • Jaimie M

    Jaimie M


    This place is always a disaster. They were an absolute nightmare during my wedding- kept changing the pricing, the employees were horrendous and the suits were disgusting. We're now going here for another wedding and they are totally disorganized. I can't fathom how this place stays in business.

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