Men's Wearhouse w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMen's Wearhouse



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2420, Bell Boulevard, 11360, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-279-1570
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7792029, Longitude: -73.7759666

komentarze 5

  • en

    Chris Martell


    The manager was more interested in getting me wrapped up than how I felt about the fit of the suit. 48 a little big. 46 just fits but no room for cardigan etc. I thought their whole deal was exact fit. I wanted the 48 tailored down for the fit I wanted; even though I would have to pay extra to recut the pants.I have purchased four suits previously from this store and never had such a distasteful experience. Also I tried to get specific colors on dress shirts . Three of the shirts I liked where not in stock in my size and where not available for order. So I had to settle for shirts I really didn't like. Probably going to return and go to Brooks bros or Lord and Taylor.

  • Carey Singer

    Carey Singer


    Expensive, but they lived up to their alteration promise.

  • Jesus Romero

    Jesus Romero


    The people were extremely nice and I got my suit perfectly tailored. However, the only thing that could improve is the waiting time to buy your items.

  • Rich ____

    Rich ____


    Brought slacks in for a simple alteration. Take the waist in 1 inch. I needed it done for the next day so I could attend my Grandfather’s funeral. I picked up the pants and the consultant rushed to the wrap to wrap the pants up. Try the pants on and of course...nothing was done. Pants were falling off of me at my grandfathers funeral. Highly embarrassing. If you ever need something done in a pinch, skip this deficient location and go with a tailor you trust. TMW has officially lost it.

  • John Lugar

    John Lugar


    I'm not sure why this place got a bunch of bad reviews.... they had a lot of good stuff here and it wasn't that more expensive then Macy's. They also have better selection of 2x 3x and 4x shirts as well as size 20 and 22 shirt collars. I attached some photos also. Definitely a place worth going to..... they also have suits and tuxedos. ***** tailoring inside also. *****many buy one get one free sales.

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