Men's Wearhouse i Stamford

Forenede StaterMen's Wearhouse



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2254, Summer Street, 06905, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 203-324-4549
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.0670612, Longitude: -73.5464609

kommentar 5

  • shawn campbell

    shawn campbell


    Customer friendly. Great store to shop for men suits

  • bbkg1979



    Not very welcoming in this store, I was hoping to find in-store a belt I saw on the website. I received a less than enthusiastic “How’s it going?”. I was not asked if I needed help, and a sales associate on the floor wearing a baseball cap (weird) chose not greet me and wouldn’t even look at me as I walked by him.

  • en

    david gibson


    I got the Tuxedos for my wedding here. They made an error, and input the pants color wrong into the computer. We found this out 1 day before my wedding when two-tone Tuxedos were ready for pick-up. They blamed me for the mistake, saying their weekly sales calls also would have involved double-checking my order. I already confirmed the order on a separate visit to double check the color of the ties. Not only did they repeatedly blame me for their mistake, they wanted to have me drive 2 hrs on my wedding day to pick up the correct tux. This store has a reputation amongst other Men's Warehouse locations. When my best man discovered the error picking up his tux at a NY location, the employees were not surprised. They said 'what did she do now', referring to the incompetence of the manager. Stay away from this location. Don't even bother with Men's Warehouse. They are not cheaper. The terrible tuxedos that no one rents are cheap, that's it. You'll end up paying the same or more as every other place in the end.

  • Joe May

    Joe May


    Don't come to MW expecting to find a nice suit for a low price. You will get an exceptional suit, however be ready to pay for it. This is one of those places where you pay for the service as much as the product. All of their suits are high quality and custom tailored to fit perfectly. You go away with an exceptional suit, and the comfort of knowing it will fit perfectly. They'll even adjust it if your size changes.

  • en



    Rente a suit for my marriage I regret the worst that e evho em my life I was like a bad clown echo the suit the sleeves of the pants wide wrinkles the shoulders I would like that viatan mys photos

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