Men's Wearhouse i Nanuet

Forenede StaterMen's Wearhouse



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156, Rockland Plaza, 10954, Nanuet, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-624-1003
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.0992314, Longitude: -74.0155504

kommentar 5

  • Michael Shively

    Michael Shively


    Awesome staff who know how to make you look great.

  • en

    Jacob Kaff


    Bad service I wouldn't recommend anyone to go in there. Attitude staff.

  • en



    I specifically had my assistant call to make me a reservation for a tux fitting. They told her they don't take reservations and that id be in and out in 15-20 minutes. Meanwhile I get here and they DO make reservations and there are about 20 people in front of me for a tux fitting. Bad experience - I do not recommend.

  • Diana Chispe-Valerio

    Diana Chispe-Valerio


    Horrible experience. Waited around for over 30 minutes for someone to come help us. Was approached by three sales ppl and all said they would come back to help and no one ever did. Needless to say I don't recommend this place to anyone. Guess I didn't fit the stereotype of someone worth their time. Smh

  • New York NY

    New York NY


    They get you in on their special buy 2 suits for one, or buy 1 for one but their selection is not very good,. the sales people A bit pushy and told me " you get what you pay for if you want a nice suit you have to spend $300-400.. I can get much better suits 1x or 2x a year in the City.. i have bought suits here in the past but its not the worst or best option. if you are in a rush, go for it.

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