Mel Insurance i Fort Lee

Forenede StaterMel Insurance



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1590, Lemoine Avenue, 07024, Fort Lee, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-461-4004
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8488208, Longitude: -73.9702015

kommentar 5

  • Changnoh Lee

    Changnoh Lee


    Good Church !

  • en

    Matthew Abbott


    If you need any type of insurance call or stop by Mel's Insurance. I got so many quotes from other companies and then when I began to start the process they would raise the price on me. Mel's is upfront and honest. Don't waste your time anywhere else.

  • Gwen Hunt

    Gwen Hunt


    I purchased automobile insurance from Mel's auto insurance about six months ago and recently was in an accident. They have been so helpful and made the process of getting my claims taken care of painless.

  • Nicholas Gonzales

    Nicholas Gonzales


    I called around and searched online for auto insurance for quite awhile before stopping by Mel's Insurance Fort Lee. They were so helpful and friendly, anyone in the area should definitely make the switch to Mel's.

  • Richard Walton

    Richard Walton


    Our family has been working with Mel's for years now for all our insurance needs. They are the best weather you need auto or homeowners insurance fort lee, there is no-one better.

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