Meineke Car Care Center en Patchogue

Estados UnidosMeineke Car Care Center



🕗 horarios

536, Medford Avenue, 11772, Patchogue, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-317-2755
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.787237, Longitude: -73.009508

comentarios 5

  • en

    Victoria Oliva


    PLEASE AVOID! Place is a ripoff, and one guy in particular was especially rude. Power steering malfunctioned on the car so brought it in for diagnostics. Was told the rack & pinion needed to be replaced, and was quoted $2100 for parts and labor (and that is a lot of money to come up with on short notice). So considered options and found out labor would be $900 if we got part ourself, which we got for ~$650, from the SAME store Meineke uses. That should have been a red flag right there that they were going to charge us $600 extra for part but whatever, figured we'd save that money (which meant a lot) and just pay labor. Car worked fine afterwards, until next morning when power steering wasn't working again. Brought car back and one rude guy said, before even looking at the car, that since WE got the part, they would have to charge for labor again, or even 3rd time, to fix it if it was defective part, which made it seem like they didn't care that it was so expensive, or that it was inconvient to have car in shop for a week. They only cared that we didn't let them overcharge us $600. Well, we weren't going to pay labor again for them to do same thing to us. So we took the car to the dealership. When I asked guy on phone if I could get refunded for $123 I prepaid for additional services, he said it wouldn't be a problem. But in person, we were told they had to run diagnostics and this and that the second time around and could only refund $35. Essentially paid $1000 to this place for them to fix ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, with only attitude and no compassion. Will NEVER go back and would advise anyone to avoid for any major work needed.

  • Migdalia Lopez

    Migdalia Lopez


    Read all reviews & decide. My mistake was not reading them. Never going back to this establishment. Chance it at your own risk. First time here. Came in for an oil change, coupon in hand $19.99. As soon as the man told me it was more money my oil is special let me check, I should have ran. (Coupon is to get you in the door) He prices the conventional oil change at $29.99. I accepted since I had lots of errands that day. We take good care of our cars and they were recently inspected twice, once by Honda dealer (a few weeks ago) Thirty minutes into oil change, yes I wrote thirty minutes, he shows me a cabin filter with leaves crushed in them and tells me I need back wiper. I declined and told him I’ll do it myself. Atlantic Honda will never let you go without inspection and would have pointed out ( a few weeks ago) what Meineke claimed was wrong. After I left I noticed my cap from rear wiper missing. The man says maybe someone stole it. It was on the CRV when I pulled in. One more thing, there was a screw on floor passenger side. I questioned it and was told they didn’t do anything. It’s nothing. I have a good feeling where that screw came from. Taking truck to Honda to reinspect. Like I said. Never ever will I go to this establishment. First and last.

  • Valera Grishin

    Valera Grishin


    Always friendly and professional. No need for an appointment. Im always using them when I can.

  • en

    Tami Lee


    I pulled in the parking lot on Monday because my friend asked me to find a Meineke to service her car. Right away a man who was pulling out of a parking space parking says “ you can’t park here for the restaurant “ ! I told him that I was not there to go to the restaurant! and continued to call my friend. I just pulled off to the side but I could see that he had parked his car again and was looking at my car... I continued to try and call my friend and give her the address. Then some scruffy, dirty man in a Meineke uniform comes out screaming you can park here, leave right now! By this time I had reached my friend and told her I didn’t think she wanted to patronize such a business. I don’t know if it was because I was black but I am assuming that it was a racial thing as there was only two cars in the parking lot. Please do not patronize these bigots!

  • Stefani Cruz

    Stefani Cruz


    I love bringing my car here. The manager is so kind and so nice I never feel taken advantage of with the repairs they perform. Yes the place is dirty but it's a mechanic shop, obviously it's not clean. I will never go anywhere else.

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