McPherson Square Station i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMcPherson Square Station



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1098-1000, 17th Street Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 301-562-5360
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9011221, Longitude: -77.0319958

kommentar 5

  • en

    Adam Burr


    Saw a homless guy relieve himself inside and then wipe himself with his hand. Nothanks.

  • Justin Xu

    Justin Xu


    Isn't bad at all! It actually is a little closer to the White house than the federal station, so I would recommend getting off here.

  • en

    Jim Ryan


    Central location blocks from the White House. It breaks my heart to see the homeless campsite at the entrance at 14th St NW near the Five Guys. A sad commentary on our society that we have people sleeping on the street, and the homeless people camped out there have formed their own little community. They have always been very grateful and appreciative for any food or money. When we see scenes like this in America, maybe we should stop and ask ourselves what we can do to help, rather than to be scornful or judgemental. I understand that some people may be fearful, but don't be. I can personally tell you that I use this station all the time, even late at night, and have never had a problem. God Bless.

  • Cameron Cashwell

    Cameron Cashwell


    Lot's of homeless at this station, around the dark alley type entrance. Probably best to avoid at night.

  • Edward Tj Gerety III MBA

    Edward Tj Gerety III MBA


    The enclosed space for the escalators are a haven for pickpockets and beggars. The smell of urine and other bodily fluids can be overwhelming during warm days. There are always newspapers and other garage spewed around and smokers from the Dept of Veteran Affairs use it as a shelter for their cancerous activities during bad weather.

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