McDonald's w Commerce City

Stany ZjednoczoneMcDonald's



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5990, Dahlia Street, 80022, Commerce City, Adams County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-227-9950
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.8045571, Longitude: -104.9279971

komentarze 5

  • Scott Yocom

    Scott Yocom


    Good value menu but quality could be better. Higher quality in higher price items.

  • en

    Joanna Castillo


    Really bad service they messed up on my order and then wanted to get fries back on witch they messed up. So unprofessional I work for customer service my self and I wouldn't like to get treated like that specially by a manager!!

  • en

    Mike Andreescu


    Derty place end an Profesional menager l heve to call helt department

  • Gabino Esparza

    Gabino Esparza


    All good, good service, food. And clean restaurant. The only thing is that your employees and Wall mart, employees when on Break they occupied the big tables. (Singled person big table) Me and my 2 son's hade to use smole table . FYI. Thank you.

  • en

    all the boost


    Well the food was better then the last time I went... i asked if they would make the nuggets fresh along with the frys and they did... to my surprise.. I love the coke that they have but I must say that it wasn't the normal deliciousness that they normally have. The only complaint that I have is that i had to wait for about 15mins after ordering my food... it was 1:30 in the morning but they should have the staff at night as they so during the day(or at least enough to be able to run smoothly)... I think this is a McDonald's overall problem.

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