McDonald's i Lexington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMcDonald's



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2321, Versailles Road, 40504, Lexington, Fayette County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 859-254-8791
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.0473601, Longitude: -84.5531382

kommentar 5

  • en



    Very Friendly and pleasent place for kids because the kiddie area

  • en

    Cody Dagner


    Excuse my language but piss poor service. Can't get a order right I've been here every other day this last week and screwed up my order every time that's negative four stars for me. under done food. Sad for fast food to screw up that much.

  • Tony Stewart

    Tony Stewart


    This is a great location for kids. I don't live in the area, we were driving by and saw the playland and had to stop. Not disappointed. The food was hot and fresh, the place was clean. Nice visit.

  • Amy Johnson

    Amy Johnson


    I went through drive thru and ordered a mushroom Swiss burger combo. I get home and open the box. The sandwich was old and there mushrooms looked shriveled up and nasty on a glob of sauce. The fries as usual were not fresh. It's sad because almost every McDonalds I've visited in Lexington seem to have food that isn't fresh. Back in the day, I loved McDonalds. Now, I won't ever go there. They don't care about their customers.. Just money. Sad.

  • Michelle Morris

    Michelle Morris


    Nice play land for the kids, includes a very small toddler area and a basketball area. There is a bathroom located in the playland area which has a changing table and a child size toilet for the little ones. It stays quiet load with all the kids playing. There service is usually quick and no problems. For the most part this McDonald's is pretty clean overall. For us it is convenient and there is always little playmates of all ages for my kids to play with.

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