Mayfair Care Center Inc i Hempstead

Forenede StaterMayfair Care Center Inc



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100, Baldwin Road, 11550, Hempstead, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-538-7171
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.698184, Longitude: -73.6163613

kommentar 5

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    rachel long


    Improper care, 95% of staff has an attitude , they don’t take your vitals , watch food intake , then make up excuses to weight lost , sores , etc . yet everything on there charts is normal . Then when you ask for a name of a staff member they refuse to give it to you .

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    SUSAN Ryder


    Over crowded staff care for patients not good doesn't come out of room don't realize he had no cloths medical no good keep changing meds and amounts causes mood changes but this is after the doses of medication is changed allowances not available no out side sun rooms or in side or any space to go out side or any place when family's visit jail cells are larger then rooms even after they removed one bed had three in beginning still non functional for oxygen and wheel chair firer hazard

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    M Nelson


    Staff is very disgusting. The facility is always a mess when visiting (fecies on the floor). They never answer their phone. My fathers things have been stolen. Lack of communication and I wouldn't recommend anyone bringing their dogs to live here!

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    feroza begum


    Excellent care for the elderly. I am very pleased to be here at Mayfair care center.

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    Ronald Prestera


    My mother-in-law, Anna, went to Mayfair Care Center as an emergency admission in her early 90's. I remember a staff member saying, " We are not the best looking facility but we do provide excellent care because that is where the money is spent". Well, until she passed away recently at almost 97, those words were accurate and more. Not only attentive and excellent medical care, but even more important is they really considered her 'family', and she loved being there. They treated her with respect every day, and in the final days of palliative care there was genuine sadness that Anna would be leaving them. So do not hesitate to consider this facility because the care, nursing, medical, and social services staff is truly excellent.

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