Max Bridal NY w Mineola

Stany ZjednoczoneMax Bridal NY



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162, Jericho Turnpike, 11501, Mineola, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-747-1888
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Latitude: 40.7490159, Longitude: -73.6421498

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ahilya Das


    Max Bridal is a small boutique that has a great selection of lovely bridal dresses at an affordable price. As soon as I walked into Max Bridal, all of the consultants greeted me and made me feel welcome right away. Amanda was my bridal consultant and she started off the appointment by asking me about my preferred styles. She was so sweet and really great at finding dress styles I would be interested in. She brought me and my family into a private room, and immediately moved us to the larger front room after it became available. She was extremely patient and helpful in getting me in and out of each dress. She showed us how the dresses would look in different lighting too, which helped me come to a decision. I tried on several dresses before choosing the one. I did not feel rushed the entire time I was there. This was the second bridal boutique I visited and I am so happy to have made my decision here. Chelsea helped me during my dress inspection. She was also very friendly and helpful. I feel like the service I received at Max Bridal was very accomodating, thoughtful and truly enjoyable! I've already recommended them to my friends and family. :)

  • en

    Danielle Pacicca


    Came here to shop for my cousins,wedding gown and had a wonderful experience.

  • Brittany Handler

    Brittany Handler


    I literally cannot say enough amazing things about Max Bridal. I was nervous - don't get me wrong - as a self conscious bride with very few close girlfriends. It was just me and my mom but Celia made us feel 100% special. She was not pushy at all. She was so much fun, made me and my mom feel very comfortable, matched colors of dresses to my fiances suit to see what we'd look like together, gave me my time when I needed it, taught me about all different styles, and ultimately helped me find THE dress. She was an angel. We all had a moment crying together when I knew it was the one. Cannot wait to go back for my fitting!

  • Lauren Hayes

    Lauren Hayes


    Prior to going to Max bridal, I went to two other places. Although they were nice, they didn't carry any Stella York dresses and I was pining over two of her designs. All the girls at Max Bridal made me feel comfortable and welcomed the second I walked in with my mom and sister. They happened to be having a Stella York trunk show this past weekend and one of the representives, Brittany, was there. As Celia was finishing up with the previous bride, Brittany helped me look through the Stella York dresses (the two that I've been dying to try on, and others from the trunk show). As soon as Celia was finished with her last bride she came and helped me. She was very friendly to me and my family and listened to me in regards to what I liked/didn't like. She (and the other girls in Max Bridal) were completely honest in regards to how the dresses looked on me. She was also very knowledgeable about the dresses. Long story short I found my dress at Max Bridal with the help of Brittany and Celia! I absolutely loved my experience at Max Bridal and could not have been more happy with my choice of place and dress!! Highly recommend it for anyone who loves Stella York, Essence of austrialia and Martina Liana!

  • en

    Nicole W


    Disappointed, unfortunately. The shopping experience was nice, but the alterations were not. When I purchased my dress off the rack I asked the seamstress if it would be too hard to alter because it was 2 sizes too big and she said it was fine. When I brought it in for alterations she continually complained about how much extra fabric there was. She convinced me to do two separate bustles (one for the satin and one for the lace overlay). She tried to charge me extra over the $500 cap, when I emailed upset they discounted the charge for the extra bustle bringing it back to $500 plus tax. After all this, the bustle BROKE 10 minutes into wearing it! My bridal attendant wasted so much of my wedding pinning me every few minutes because it wouldn't hold. I became so frustrated that I ended up holding the top layer in my hand, we couldn't even do our first dance that we practiced for months properly. I emailed Max bridal explaining what happened and they did not even email me back to apologize. Very inconsiderate once you pick up that dress.

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