Mavis Discount Tire i Smithtown

Forenede StaterMavis Discount Tire



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330, Maple Avenue, 11787, Smithtown, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-408-9093
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8367757, Longitude: -73.1946382

kommentar 5

  • en

    sean welsh


    Knowledgeable and fairly priced

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    Edward Drielak


    Tires were in stock. Quick service.

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    Will Orgera


    Honestly a great place. I went in first time so i was prepared for up sells and random things that “need “ to be done. Needed just an oil change and inspection. They were straight up with me no up sell and car was done during time they promised. Was very pleased with these guys. Couldn’t do anything better for me.

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    gary haller


    Friendly staff...they do excellent work ...very honest. ..Mike is a real stand up guy.

  • Jake Burton

    Jake Burton


    I don’t usually write reviews anywhere but I thought I would about this place. I went there about 6-8 month ago to get my tires changed, as I’m watching them do it for some odd reason they popped my hood and decided to look in my engine bay. I didn’t know you have to look under the hood to change tires (sarcasm). Then I went back recently because I bought crappy tire caps that corroded and needed new valve stems, I went two separate times, the first time I got one valve fixed and it costed me $30, they used the old tire pressure sensor and rebuilt it, then I went back to get the other three done, but since I’m a younger man driving a bmw and went alone I guess they decided that I needed new sensors and valves costing $90 each tire, I didn’t need new sensors, they are rebuildable and I also had no codes on my dash, but since I’m 18 and driving a nice car I guess they figured why not rip me off, then when I told them to pull my car out I was given an attitude, then I went to Traction Plus in ronkonkoma, a family owned business and they fixed all three stem valves and rebuilt the sensors in about 30 mins costing me $30 each, either this place lacks the expirience to rebuild sensors or they are just trying to rip me off, anyways if I could rate this place negative stars I would. They lost my business, my friends and family’s business also.

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