Mavis Discount Tire i Larchmont

Forenede StaterMavis Discount Tire



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2137, Boston Post Road, 10538, Larchmont, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-833-0590
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.9267685, Longitude: -73.7521179

kommentar 5

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    Thx to Lou and the guys coming through for me everytime!! Always a pleasure gentlemen thx again! 👍🏼👍🏼

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    Alison Rubin


    I've gone here a few times and am always disappointed. Today, my daughter needed new wiper blades on her car and asked if they could do them quickly. "Sure," they replied. An hour later she's still waiting for her car and no one will respond when she asks how much longer it will be. It's a very poorly run operation. I've had much better luck at other Mavis locations.

  • Erik Gemma

    Erik Gemma


    Called at 1pm. Me:hey I need four tires mounted and balanced. Are your busy? Guy: not busy at all bring it on down. So I drive over, it’s 1:30 at this point and I talk to Lou at the front desk. Lou: I don’t know who you talked to, we’re swamped. It’ll be about 2 hours. Fine, I leave the car and wait. 4:45 rolls around and no call. I call. Me: is the car ready? Lou: oh there working on it now we’ll call you when we’re done. Now it’s 5 and I drive over. Car is sitting outside and hasn’t been touched. Two techs are sitting on the bench smoking cigarettes and there’s 2 bays open. I go in and Lou is nowhere to be found. Another guy comes out. “Oh your car is next, once a guy frees up” me: well what about the guys smoking outside? Guy: oh there on lunch. Its 5pm..... no one in the world is on lunch. I’ll never go back to this place that blatantly and continually lies to me. This is not customer service.

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    Helen Van Alstyne


    I am from out of town. I went to Mavis for a slow leak in my tire. I waited about an hour and was told I was ready. When I went to pay there was no charge. I was told that the rim was rough and causing air to leak. They smoothed it out and didn't change anything. I thought this was very nice since they did fix it.

  • Rum Ham

    Rum Ham


    Great service. Fast and efficient. They bent back my steel rim and changed my blown out tire in about an hour.

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