Maura Masons Corp. in Lynbrook

Vereinigte StaatenMaura Masons Corp.


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84, Atlantic Avenue, 11563, Lynbrook, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 516-256-0787
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Latitude: 40.6541833, Longitude: -73.6714882

kommentare 2

  • en

    Carlo Diminico


    Hi. Responding to the the last review. Its a blessing in disguise that they never showed up. I can comment about there work. I used there sister company Elite masons and I wished that they never showed up. Unfortunately they did. Do your home work and use your resources in researching the contractor. I will try to sum it up and keep short. I had front and rear steps done with brick and blue-stone . The brick is coming apart and the blue-stone is lifting and motor joints are cracking. It happen with in a week of work being completed. Its been over year now and they keep blowing me off. They keep saying next week. Also the dry wells they installed had collapse, cement work is scaling and they also cheated me in the depth of cement in my driveway. I paid for six inches and they poured three and half. The list is endless. Please take this review in to considerations. BUYER BEWARE !!!!!

  • en

    Eric Khats


    I can not comment on the quality of their work as they never actually showed up to do it. They accept the Job sometime in the beginning of April and promised to do it within a week two weeks passed and nothing so I called and spoke to Walter and Jack who blamed the weather and promised me to be there within a week. For two months now its been the same story; running behind but will be there within a week and nothing happens. What's most upsetting is not the no shows but that they never once called to tell me they can not make it. I actually had to take off work a couple of times to wait for them, had to arrange it with my neighbor to give them access to my yard. How can a legitimate business be so utterly unprofessional? T make the long story short I got tired of waiting and hired another company who did do it within a week and at the same price.

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