Маунт Митчилл Синик Оверлук en Atlantic Highlands

Estados UnidosМаунт Митчилл Синик Оверлук



🕗 horarios

460, Ocean Boulevard, 07716, Atlantic Highlands, Monmouth County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 732-872-0336
sitio web: www.monmouthcountyparks.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.4076084, Longitude: -74.0046465

comentarios 5

  • en

    Scott Davis


    This is a great park that's always clean and fun.

  • Pierina Ventura

    Pierina Ventura


    Very goos scene here. Watwr and nature.

  • sean gallagher

    sean gallagher


    Great scenic place, great place to reflect on beauty, nature and the most powerful city on earth and how it all works together, the sad thing is that because of the views of southern Manhattan and the former World trade center, they turned into a 9/11 memorial to those from our county lost that day, and although i understand why, i am sadvthat a place where once was a place to reflect on the beauty of nature is now a place to remind you of the ugliness of politics, hate, greed, anger and religious intolerences( on both sides) and the loss of so many good people tbat were just going about their normal days.

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    Great way to kill 30 mins. You will get the clearest pictures in the fall or winter. Summer tends to be hazy.

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    Charlie Girl


    Memorial to the local folks who died on September 11, 2001, and others. Clear and poignant view of New York skyline. Of course, one looks for the Twin Towers. Short ferry ride to NY is not far away. Somber, but with the hope of the new building. Please be reverent.

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