Mattress Firm Throggs Neck i New York

Forenede StaterMattress Firm Throggs Neck



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815, Hutchinson River Parkway, 10465, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-669-4873
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.823456, Longitude: -73.836628

kommentar 5

  • jhon None

    jhon None


    Anthony iaboni was very helpful, polite, and friendly he even explained to me about the products i was interested in. I'm very satisfied with the products I have purchased. Sanchez :-)

  • Alexandra Mangual

    Alexandra Mangual


    The manager here is super helpful. You can tell she truly cares about her job and getting people a better nights sleep. I definitely recommend this specific location to purchase a new mattress from.

  • Melissa acosta

    Melissa acosta


    Walked in just to look around and was completely sold by the amazing customer service. Anthony was exceptional! Fast delivery! Amazing customer service! Can't wait to receive my new mattress and sleep like a baby! Thank you! If you're looking for a mattesss come here and ask for Anthony trust me you won't be disappointed!

  • en

    Shalee Love


    I came across mattress firm just the other day! I work close by and never paid any attention..... anyways as soon as I walked in I was greeted with a great smile by a sales associate name Tai! She was very detail oriented -patient - and delightful-she definitely knew her stuff! Not to mention she paid attention to me and my husbands every need of bed sleep quality ! I loved the experienced and love the bed!

  • en

    Lisa Marie Ciraco


    I just purchased my new mattress today after living with mine for over 30 years. Tai was extremely knowledgeable and helpful. She was very concerned about my comfort in purchasing a mattress that would fit the way I sleep. I originally was looking at one type and she suggested a different one that would support my body. I would definitely recommend her to anyone I know.

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