Mattress Firm Parkchester en New York

Estados UnidosMattress Firm Parkchester



🕗 horarios

1400, East Avenue, 10462, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-947-1487
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.835574, Longitude: -73.8601731

comentarios 5

  • en

    Oscar Romero


    Ivan was a nice guy who was able to give me a good price .

  • Lisette Muriel

    Lisette Muriel


    Had such a wonderful experience with the great help of our salesman Manny. He provided great customer service and suggestions for our new mattress! I would definitely recommend my friends and family to come here!

  • Ruben Urena

    Ruben Urena


    Came looking for a box spring and Manny at the store was really helpful. Explained everything in great detail so we were getting the best bang for our buck. No complaints. Will be back next year when I need a new mattress!

  • Anthony Perez

    Anthony Perez


    Manny was very helpful and wonderful. On point and knowledge was incredible, helped us choose exactly what we needed for a restful and enjoyable sleep. Matched my comfort as I'm a big man. We are inclined to recommend him to anyone

  • en

    Vinny Himselff


    Manny was above and beyond today I came in without a clue of what I wanted and with the professional customer assistance did this young man gave me I was blessed enough to find the mattress I can finally have the dream of dreams on. All jokes aside, I felt as if the process couldn't have been any easier. My grandmother recommend Manny and I will do the same with the rest of my family. Thank you mattress firm

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