Mattress Firm Nanuet w Nanuet

Stany ZjednoczoneMattress Firm Nanuet



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246, East Route 59, 10954, Nanuet, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-627-0298
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0954506, Longitude: -74.0011267

komentarze 5

  • en

    Shais Rosenblatt


    I shopped at the Nanuet store. They had a wide selection of mattresses on display. Khadejha was very helpful and knowledgeable about the different choices. In the end, I purchased elsewhere though, because the prices were a bit on the high side.

  • en

    T F


    Tim got us a great mattress at a great price. No pressure, super knowledgeable, and very kind. I would definitely recommend anyone go here for their next mattress purchase.

  • Rebecca Stanford

    Rebecca Stanford


    Tim Fogliano was such a pleasure to work with. My husband and I had spent a lot of time shopping for new mattresses in the area. After visiting several stores, we knew as soon as we walked in that Mattress Firm was the place to buy. From the enthusiastic greeting, easy selection process and quick delivery time, it's no wonder that Mattress Firm has the positive reputation that they do. Not only did we end up purchasing our dream mattress, but we left with beautiful new sheets, amazing pillows, and a fabulous bed frame that fits the style of our room perfectly. I'll be sending all my friends and family here. 15 stars for Mattress Firm and for Tim Fogliano!!!

  • Julie Pesce

    Julie Pesce


    When you go here, look for the salesman Tim Fogliano. He helped us and is amazing. We were picking out a bed for my mom who is a senior and very picky but, didn't want to come with us to shop! He helped us find exactly the right bed (here we are 30 days after delivery and mom loves it) He explained everything to us, arranged delivery according to our tricky schedule and was just more helpful than any salesperson we ever had for anything. They should use him as guide for all salesperson training!

  • en

    L J


    It was a pleasure to be greeted and taken care of by Christopher Nicholas Villanueva. We were treated with exceptional service. He answered all our questions with great knowledge. He truly cared about our needs. It was a pleasure this outstanding service. He is an asset to Mattress Firm. Thank you Christopher! We appreciate all your help and we will be sure to recommend you and Mattress Firm to our friends and family. Judy & David

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