Mattress Firm Levittown i Levittown

Forenede StaterMattress Firm Levittown



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3831, Hempstead Turnpike, 11756, Levittown, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-653-0097
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7259978, Longitude: -73.4946706

kommentar 5

  • fresh up maStI

    fresh up maStI


    Mr Sudhir at levittiwn location was very helpful ...full of knowledge... glad to we stopped by at that location

  • Jess Schaefer

    Jess Schaefer


    Aside from deciding which mattress I was more comfortable on this was one of the easiest purchases. Ted Goldspiel was great! He was welcoming, knowledgeable and not pushy at all. He was also very patient as we kept going back and forth laying on the same beds to get a feel. We are still trying out our mattress for the 120 day trial period but so far, so good and you can't really beat the return policy.

  • en

    jamie pope


    Just bought a bed here with Ted! Great service and a wide selection! 100 percent recommend getting your bed here! Great prices!

  • en

    maryann bertuglia


    Tedd was very helpful great salesman and was able to solve a major comfort problem we had we will be getting a new mattress in 3 days it was easy and fast I would definitely recommend everyone to go to mattress firm to see tedd

  • Mary Andrews

    Mary Andrews


    Really amazing service, Ted, our salesman was incredibly helpful. He spent a lot of time with my family and I to find the best mattresses for my brother and I, and at an unbeatable price! Also, Mattress Firm has a 120 day "Love your Mattress" policy, which means that if you don't like your mattress after 120 days, you can exchange it or receive a refund. Very pleased!!

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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