Mattress Firm Kings Hwy Brooklyn i New York

Forenede StaterMattress Firm Kings Hwy Brooklyn



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1414, Kings Highway, 11229, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-382-9473
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.608373, Longitude: -73.958651

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lee Choen


    Suffered with back pain for many years. Came to Mattress firm. Alex was a very nice guy, he showed me a nice firm mattress. Told me I had 4 months and It's great. No more back pain!

  • en

    Burak Dirlik


    I Just went into this location Today and I had an amazing experience. Alexander Safonov was an amazing help and person. Thank you so much for all of your help and honesty you helped us get the mattress we wanted and not only is that mattress amazing but the customer service was beyond 5 Stars I wish I can give 100 stars if I could I really would. So Yes I recommend this location and if you do go Ask for Alexander Safonov trust me you will do be disappointed.

  • Yvonne Contreras

    Yvonne Contreras


    I needed a new mattress for my back pains with that said, I know it would be a high price, I walked in and wasn't offered any help so I asked, I'm a sale rep. myself and I was disappointed with the service, the staff was on the phone, when I asked for a firm mattress, she said this is all we have while sitting down the whole time, after that respond I wasn't interested in purchasing anything at all, I ended purchasing a Full size mattress somewhere else in the neighborhood, in which I love, things happens for a reason.

  • Aziz Khamitov

    Aziz Khamitov


    Perfect store. Very very good manager Sam. Really helped us. We bought fantastic mattress with great price. Thank you

  • Lisa Jacob

    Lisa Jacob


    I came in with my sister and was totally impressed with the service she got. Sign up for the financing and see if you qualify. Having a nice mattress doesn't mean too much pressure on the pocket. And speak to Sam - he's super nice.

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