Mattress Firm Huntington w Huntington

Stany ZjednoczoneMattress Firm Huntington



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277, Main Street, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-549-3247
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8713912, Longitude: -73.4270299

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jonathan Monge


    5.0 star rating 8/16/2017 We had a great experience working with Marcia at Mattress Firm. My wife and I were having a difficult time selecting a mattress that was right for us -- we tried two different styles that just didn't work. We were about to give up when Marcia came to the rescue. Her patience, wisdom, and kindness are unparalleled. She worked very hard to help us find one that was perfect for us both, taking the time to understand our needs and desired comfort. She is extremely knowledgeable and compassionate. We are so glad we were able to work with her and find a mattress that will help us rest peacefully for many, many years. We highly recommend Mattress Firm in Huntington, NY.

  • Ryan Collins

    Ryan Collins


    Went in after I got out of work looking for a new mattress since my current one is well passed it's expiration date. Was helped by an amazing man by the name of Philip Morizio. From start to finish he was genuinely a very polite and helpful guy. Did an outstanding job of helping me find a mattress that not only met my needs but also was well within my price range. All around a very positive and inviting experience when I need to get new sheets or pillows I know who I'm going to go to for them.

  • en

    Katherine Berrick


    If you want a mattress don't go here. Sleepy's said that they would deliver my bed before the change. Needless to say it never came. They took my money in seconds but it's been days of trying to get a bed delivered. I've tried calling Sleepy's and Mattress Firm but neither place had been able to help me. My delivery day was canceled and the the new delivery day has been miss managed. It's been weeks and I still don't have by bed. Do your self a favor buy somewhere else. Wish someone told me.

  • en

    alex gazza


    Seriously nice people that'll guide you to what you're looking for. Would recommend.

  • en



    Tom Cunniff, gave a thorough understanding of how to buy a mattress. I've purchased a number of mattresses from sleepy's over a 20 year span. I have never had an education like the one I experienced on this occasion. Tom is a valued member of your company. I guess the next level for this individual is corporate.

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