Mattress Firm Hackensack w Hackensack

Stany ZjednoczoneMattress Firm Hackensack



🕗 godziny otwarcia

462, Hackensack Avenue, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-992-3048
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9099467, Longitude: -74.0309718

komentarze 5

  • en

    Anita Viaud


    We were helped by the manager Stephen. He was very polite and friendly from the moment we walked in the door. He was patient while we decided on what we wanted and he went out of his way to get us the best deal possible.

  • en

    Jill D


    Stephen is an amazing salesperson. You can tell her cares about the customer and their needs/concerns. I highly recommend anyone and every looking to buy a mattress to go to this location. Thanks again Stephen!

  • Sarah G

    Sarah G


    Excellent store and Stephen W. was an awesome sales person. I usually dress going into mattress stores because I always feel like people are going to push me to buy something I don't want, but I didn't feel that way while working with Stephen to buy my new mattress and adjustable frame. I did go on looking to buy a full mattress and box spring, but left with an amazing queen bed that is really going to help my bad back. I'm glad my thriftiness and my injured back were satisfied in this trip. Such a great store! Many kudos to Stephen for being personable, responsive, and awesome at customer service.

  • en

    Liat W


    My experience at Mattress Firm in Hackensack was awesome. Stephen was the employee who helped me and his service was excellent to say the least. He helped me find the perfect mattress for all my needs and the price was better than any other store I had visited. I highly recommend this store!

  • en

    Anthony Smith


    I was greeted when I walked through the door. The Service was excellent, the took the time to answer all my questions. I tried out several styles mainly looking for something more firm and with memory foam. They were able to suggest a mattress that worked great for me and at a great price. I waited 10 full sleep days before writing this review so I could give my honest opinion of the bed. I'm glad I went here. Great service.

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