Master Cycle i New York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMaster Cycle



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3, Bruckner Boulevard, 10454, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-665-3737
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8083219, Longitude: -73.930288

kommentar 5

  • Tyler



    Excellent location and speed. No appointments needed for minor repairs, and most jobs such as my oil change took 30 mins (which half of that was waiting for the bike to cool down). Couldn't be happier, thanks again Mastercycle

  • Ismael Gonzalez

    Ismael Gonzalez


    Son unos Pillos!!!

  • en

    Mathe macits


    Brought my first 2-stroke from here: 1985 yz80. Guy warned me how fast it was.. But my adrenaline pushed it to the limits. good place to buy accessories and get your bike maintained. Blesses you with good info on your bike. I just wish i didnt forget the bill of sale. And the smell of the store is amazing 👌 makes me feel like im in a world of bikes .

  • en

    Perry P


    To make a long story short. It took them about 20 weeks to do a job they told me would take 1 week. They killed my riding season swapped out my custom parts for used parts, over charged me and lied. I took them to small claims court and won. They did not want to pay so I had to send the city Marshall after them. The Marshall made them pay. My experience and opinion is run far, run fast and go anywhere else!

  • Dulce Ortiz

    Dulce Ortiz


    As a nearby Bronx neighbor, Master Cycle staff has always been helpful to me and my father. They gone as far as scheduling repairs over the weekend, in which they are closed. Very insightful and fair priced. Ive never had to second guess their knowledge on motorcycles. I mostly appreciate them showing, through picture or person, damage done to my bike. This way I don't feel as if I'm being scammed like every other shop does.

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