Massage Envy - Staten Island w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMassage Envy - Staten Island



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280, Marsh Avenue, 10314, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-477-2800
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5782854, Longitude: -74.1639818

komentarze 5

  • Lynnette Pastrana

    Lynnette Pastrana


    I've been a member for a year now. Always go out of state but this time decided to go to the Staten Is ME. Decided to do a 90 minute...went in about 9:05 and was done by 10:20. That included a lil talk before starting. Definitely not 90 minutes. Asked for more pressure was too soft. Left with a headache. Not satisfied.

  • Rich Armstrong

    Rich Armstrong


    I just want to say to definitly recommend Massage Envy on Marsh Ave and Miranda O’Shea she’s very informative and guided me in the right way !

  • en



    So today me and my sister walk in and we were in sweats with our hair up .... we walk in with four employees in the front desk .... there was no hello , no how are you, no how can I help you... just four women giving us the dirtiest looks I have ever encountered in my life... I said hi how are you ladies .... still no hello... I said is there an availability for today if not I’d like to make in a appointment ... she didn’t even check just looked at me up and down and said no ... I said ok no problem they didn’t ask me to make an appointment for a later date or nothing so I walked out .... I then drove away and called.... acting as if I wasn’t there and asked if there’s an availability and they said LET ME CHECK .... when would I like to come in. I’ve never felt so judged this location on Staten Island needs new people they are rude . It doesn’t bother me that they were booked it was the rudeness that bothered me I’ve never felt to judged

  • en

    Agnes Cruz


    I love and recommend this spa 100% 😊🌷 rose is excellent!!! giving the most amazing and relaxing facials 👍🏼 And Roslyn is so fantastic !!! ,..with deep tissue massage 😃☝🏼 90 min a must ! Great staff very friendly and helpful ,spa always clean and well maintained Awesome new look (was recently renovated)

  • Lisa Geoghegan

    Lisa Geoghegan


    It is almost impossible to get an appointment here. I had to go to another state to get an appointment for a massage. I've tried to schedule an appointment numerous times but to no surprise nothing is available... no one ever answers the phone when you call to schedule so have to request via the website at this location and today was the FIRST time they actually called me back. I even tried to go in to make an appointment 2 months ago and unless you are a Staten Island Housewife or unemployed you cannot get an appointment. The only reason I went out of state was because I was given a gift card wanted to use it for my birthday and really didn't want the person who purchased it for me to waste their money... I wish I got a gift card to a different place.... Trying to plan a spa day shouldn't be stressful. I guess they got the name right though... Massage "Envy" because you envy the people who can actually get an appointment.

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