Massage Envy - Sacramento - Midtown w Sacramento

Stany ZjednoczoneMassage Envy - Sacramento - Midtown



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1901, S Street, 95811, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 916-447-3689
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.5673727, Longitude: -121.485199

komentarze 5

  • Garrett Lent

    Garrett Lent


  • en

    Ian Rocchi


  • ronnell phillips

    ronnell phillips


    I'm writing under my boyfriends account but I just called to see if anyone there is anyone licensed to do lymphatic massages, I was told yes and was given prices... I'll be going to have surgery in the next few months and I want to make sure I have a place lined up to do my massages... I hope they don't disappoint me.. I look forward to doing business with them. ❤

  • Abigail Andrews

    Abigail Andrews


    This was my first time. My Dad gave me $100 gift card for my birthday. I'm sad to say it was a waste of his $$. I get a lot of massages 2-3 a month on average and this one was very disappointing. I opted for a 90 min deep tissue. The masseuse was very good in the shoulder and butt area, but mediocre everywhere else, and gave my feet no attention. He was 20 min late in starting my massage. That's fine I understand people get coughs up but what bothered me most was that he ended the massage at the same time. If you are late when starting that doesn't mean that I now only get a 70 min massage when I payed for a 90 min. Had I received my whole massage I wouldn't be writing this review. When he said that he was all through; I asked has it been 90 minutes already he said yes. When he left the room so I could get dressed I checked my phone which I had done when I was putting it on silent to start the massage. 1 hour and 10 minute had gone by. I left disappointed. I will not be returning.

  • en

    Aaron Fisher


    I have been coming to Midtown ME for about 4 months. I told them on my first appointment to give me a good therapist and they didn't... They gave me a great therapist (Ashley) she really knows her stuff and knows exactly what to do to fix whatever your issue is. Ashley is also allot of fun to talk with during the massage, the only downside of talking with her is that before you know it the appointment is over. I'm sad I had to move out of Sac and can't come to Midtown now.

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