Massage Envy - Lake Grove w Lake Grove

Stany ZjednoczoneMassage Envy - Lake Grove



🕗 godziny otwarcia

133, Alexander Avenue, 11755, Lake Grove, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-361-2929
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8659879, Longitude: -73.1341966

komentarze 5

  • en

    Evan Goebel


    Awesome place to relax.. Aweome staff

  • zach bensin

    zach bensin


    I'm not one for going to get a massage. Usually, I just lean up against a corner and grind out a knot in my back or neck with brute force. I pulled/pinched/tore something near my left shoulder-neck region and I couldn't get rid of it this time. I got a suggestion to try massage. Why not? Overall, the experience depends on how much you try to loosen up mentally and physically during the massage. I did what I could and it almost put me to sleep at some points. I left feeling much more comfortable, until I had to start dealing with the real world again. I'll have to come back more often.

  • en

    Andreas O'Keeffe


    I got a couples massage for my girlfriend and I on her birthday. Although I got a great massage (mimi) sadly hers (gf) was apparently really bad. I left feedback online and requested a follow up contact but that never happened.

  • Kaveh Sadigh

    Kaveh Sadigh


    Great massage therapy!

  • en

    kelly amber


    I went in for a massage and I loved it! from the moment I walked in the door to the moment I left, the staff was so sweet, offered me tea and explained how everything works. The massage I had was one of the best ones I have experienced, after my massage they explained their package they have, explained all the health benefits of massage i couldn't resist the savings! The staff all around was great and I am glad they recommended the therapist who would fit my need for the massage! definitely try this place for massage and facials

najbliższy Salon piękności

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