Mary T. Mancuso, DMD w Fair Lawn

Stany ZjednoczoneMary T. Mancuso, DMD



🕗 godziny otwarcia

27-11, Pellack Drive, 07410, Fair Lawn, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-796-7171
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.922511, Longitude: -74.107922

komentarze 5

  • en

    Eve Marquis


  • en

    Erica Martell


    Dr. Mancuso and her staff redefine everything about dentistry. If you are lucky enough to stumble on this dentist and these reviews and make an appointment you will have discovered a truly 5 star experience. I have been coming to this office, along with my father who started with the dentist who mentored Dr. Mancuso, for at least 30 years. Look no further... Dr. Mancuso has a Cerec machine which means she can design and create a crown in her office during one visit. The machine carves the crown out of a solid white porcelain material which means there is no gray metal line visible at the gum line. It also means there is no back and forth for multiple fittings when a crown has to be returned to the lab that made it. Dr. Mancuso is a master fitter. I have never left her office feeling anything is out of alignment which would require a second visit to revise. I have also never left her office in pain or with anything less than a complete solution to whatever I went in for.

  • Gary F Moore

    Gary F Moore


    I love the experience and the work the I have done here. I've been coming to this office for over 10yrs now. I would never go to another office.

  • Alvin Bernstein

    Alvin Bernstein


    As a Doctor I was very disappointed in how "DR" Forbes in Englewood presents himself to patients. I will not subject my family to this methods. He is an embarrassment to the dental profession. His staff lacks professionalism. My wife and I urged all our mutual friends in Englewood and Tenafly to stop going to his office. I now go to Dr. Mary Mancuso in Fair Lawn NJ and I recommend her to everyone that needs a dentist in Bergen County.She uses the latest technology to efficiently treat her patients. I was amazed at how quickly she designed a crown without needing an outside lab.

  • Tyler Lund

    Tyler Lund


    Very friendly, helpful family dentistry. Quick visits and no waiting around. They have movies and music to watch during longer procedures. Dr. Mancusso is very friendly and does a great job explaining procedures. Hygenist staff is also very friendly.

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