Mary LaManna-Ulrich Attorney at Law w Merrick

Stany ZjednoczoneMary LaManna-Ulrich Attorney at Law


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

25, Merrick Avenue, 11566, Merrick, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-804-2931
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6643513, Longitude: -73.5526667

komentarze 5

  • Steve Vitoff

    Steve Vitoff


    Mary LaManna-Ulrich has represented my family on a succession of real estate-related matters over a number of years. She has been our vigorous advocate, and has been helpful and accessible at all times. We are pleased with all Mary has done to protect my family’s interests, and we recommend her without reservation. Steve Vitoff Huntington NY

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    Mary Corva


    I have known Mary for many years. I have used her services for Trust Funds, probating a will, writing my will and when I bought and sold my last two homes over the past few years. Mary is very knowledgeable in all of these areas, always made herself available when I needed her and is extremely patient and kind. If you are looking for a competent lawyer, I highly recommend her services!

  • Laura Ines Araujo

    Laura Ines Araujo


    Mary successfully helped my mother enroll in Medicaid. She is extremely knowledgeable on the application process, important deadlines and Trust services. Mary always made herself available to answer any of our questions. She thought ahead and made sure all of my mother’s affairs were in order (including reviewing her will, revising the deed to her home, and setting up a healthcare proxy). We greatly appreciate her patience and expertise in elder law.

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    Mary LaManna-Ulrich completed our Will and other documents with great care and knowledge. Highly recommend her services.

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    Peri Baugher


    I have known Mary for many years. After my father passed away, it was traumatic for my mother. She held my mother's hand through the probate process which she facilitated, and eased a challenging situation. I highly recommend her services.

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