Mary Anne Salcetti, DDS en Wappingers Falls

Estados UnidosMary Anne Salcetti, DDS



🕗 horarios

1136, U.S. 9, 12590, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-298-8138
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.565607, Longitude: -73.9055509

comentarios 5

  • Bakul Parikh

    Bakul Parikh


    Very Professional, provides top quality work, has excellent team who are also gentle & caring. I am very happy to be a patient there.

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    keyvan Bahal


    Very professional! I have been working with Dr. Salcetti for many years and as a Lab. tech. I can guarantee you that she is very thorough and knowledgeable. Having worked with thousands of dentists in the past 20+ years I can assure you that she is very caring and detailed when it comes to her work. It's hard to find a good dentist like her.

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    maggie bastos


    Wonderful and caring dentistry

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    Julie Donato


    I started out as a very nervous patient, because I had very negative experiences with dentists in the past. I actually fall asleep in the chair for cleanings now. The staff does everything possible to make this happen: competent, quick service, pleasant music, a positive way of explaining procedures, and wow, that heated massage chair doesn't hurt either! Yes, they really have one. I am happy to schedule my appointments, don't dread them the way I once dreaded dental visits, and actually enjoy interacting with the entire staff. I was a little embarrassed by my nervousness, but everyone was very patient and understood how I felt, never made me feel rushed or uncomfortable. They have helped me feel so much better about this part of taking care of myself. I might not enjoy the actual procedures, but I do look forward to seeing the staff and everything I have had done has been meticulously completed with no further problems. Thank you, Dr. Mary Anne Salcetti, D.D.S., P. C. and all of your staff!

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    Hope C


    The permanent bridge I got from Dr Salcetti was poorly made, making it hard to chew. She tried MANY times to correct it but couldn't. I asked for a refund and she only returned part of my money, keeping about $1,500. After awhile the opposing crown cracked from bad alignment, and later the bridge came off, revealing a cracked and decayed tooth that had to be pulled.

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