Marty's VW & Audi Service w New Milford

Stany ZjednoczoneMarty's VW & Audi Service


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

203, Center Street, 07646, New Milford, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-261-4244
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9500779, Longitude: -74.0197759

komentarze 5

  • en

    Brian Kuchmak


    Marty does really good work and is extremely fair with prices. The only drawback I could think of is that they do not accept credit/debit here and is cash or check only. Overall a really good experience and quality repair done quickly.

  • en

    Harper Wright


    2eryh t coconut milk jug. Coconut jug coconut milk jug coconut everything jug

  • joseph weiss

    joseph weiss


    Listen, if you have a VW and you don't want to go to a dealer, then Marty is your guy. He's a bit of a nut, his shop is dirty, but he KNOWS Volkswagen (and Audi). When I've had VW's I've taken then to Marty and have always been happy. I had a friend buy a pasat that he had sitting in his lot. There were a few bumps along the way, but Marty always did good by my friend. If you don't know sqaut about cars or VW's then Marty is probably not your guy. If you have owned more than one VW in your life, then why would you go anywhere else? The guy has half a vw bug up on the front of his shop, c'mon. He's the ONLY place to go for VW repair in my book.

  • en

    Robert B


    I took my 2000 Jetta TDI to Marty's in June 2013 because my AC stopped working. A young, new guy started hooking up the AC lines and I asked "who else works here?" Marty then tells me that his son and his son's friend stopped working here in 2012 and with them took all the Air Conditioning experience. I thought "Oh, crap". Meanwhile Marty and the new guy found that my AC pressure was low, recharged it, then scratched their heads as to why it wasn't working. After swapping out two relays which didn't help either, the young guy sits down with the manual to see what to do next. I really got worried then. Meanwhile I pull up TDIClub website and find detailed instructions about what to check next. It said to first check certain common failed fuses. Sure enough I look down at the S180 fuse above the battery and I tell Marty "this looks burnt out". We quickly grab a replacement fuse and my AC starts working right away. Marty still charges me $280.....I could not have written a more pathetic story about this VW repair shop.

  • en

    John B


    Been my go-to guys for my audi A4 for years. Better service and prices than the dealers by far. Talk to the mechanics tom and andrew for anything related to your vehicle, they run the shop and take care of everything for you. Marty is a character, take what he says with a grain of salt and humor him, he just hangs around the shop nowadays or is just non present most of the time.

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