Martin Scott E DDS i Wyckoff

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237, Everett Avenue, 07481, Wyckoff, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-891-5534
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Latitude: 41.0110541, Longitude: -74.1718361

kommentar 4

  • en

    Lauren Goldfarb


    He's the best, very caring, gentle and friendly. I never need to wait long for an appt. I would recommend him to anyone

  • Brian Collier

    Brian Collier


    Been going here for two years with my son. Staff is friendly and office is clean. Almost never a wait. Some staff is rougher than others with work, but all are nice.

  • en

    Joshua Su


    The procedure to fix my over-bite was estimated to be a two year fix; it ended up taking 6. He had me get a tooth removed so it would cause the next one to grow in; I had a hole in my mouth for over a year. He also gets distracted by the TV in the room. I honestly dont think he knows what he's doing. His assistant consistantly scratches patients' gums when tying the braces. I'd get your braces somewhere else.

  • Jon Santiago

    Jon Santiago


    I was referred to Dr. Martin by another amazing professional for both my children. The moment I met Dr. Martin I was so impress by his mannerism and his sincere approach in explaining to a 9 year old how the retainer will help him. He took away my son's fear and made him feel like a ROCK STAR! His staff is extremely pleasant and professional and if every healthcare provider would take a page from Martin Orthodontics playbook there would be so many happy parents walking around New Jersey. Continue success to you and your practice!

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