Marshalls w Patchogue

Stany ZjednoczoneMarshalls



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499-19 W. Sunrise Hgwy., Patchogue, NY 11772, США
kontakt telefon: +1 631-654-4730
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.778647, Longitude: -73.037139

komentarze 5

  • maryann thompson

    maryann thompson


    Love working at Marshalls. Very, very busy store. Lines do move fast. If you see something that you like, grab it because it won't be there the next day!

  • en

    chris Pilip


    Long lines not enough shopping carts Always never any shoes on display or in the storage Clothing styles not up to date . Sizes are irregular for women's and junior clothing Big store little selection and empty shelf's Prices are expensive also

  • en

    Em Morgan


    There’s a method to shopping at Marshall’s. Shop at Marshall’s when you have some idea what your looking for. Go to your size area and let your eyes zero in only on the color(s) you’d consider wearing. Ignore everything else, unless it really grabs you. Using this method will eliminate that overwhelming feeling of chaos one can sometimes feel in a store that doesn’t offer matching pieces hung together. I always get great outfits at great prices that WOW my friends, and they’re always from Marshall’s. With Marshall’s easy return policy, I skip the fitting room and make decisions at home. No stress.

  • Carol Lock

    Carol Lock


    Store gives me anxiety. It's like shopping in a thrift store looking for clothes. I like organized racks where I can see what I'm looking at instead of 50 different style shirts on one rack

  • Beth Spierer

    Beth Spierer


    Although the selection of items is wonderful, the dressing rooms are disgusting. The amount of dust, hair, tissues, dirt, etc, that were found in my room was quite disturbing. A cleaning crew is definitely needed at this location. Their prices are fair and one may get everything from clothes to blankets but the place needs to be cleaned. I was not comfortable being in the dressing rooms and standing in all of that filth. I took a picture of my experience, this was on January the 24th. The definition of customer service is:***Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. *** Please improve conditions so that your customers to have a happy and healthy shopping experience.

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