Marshall Alarm Systems, Inc i Yorktown Heights

Forenede StaterMarshall Alarm Systems, Inc



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2014, Crompond Road, 10598, Yorktown Heights, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-962-4699
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.277405, Longitude: -73.783159

kommentar 5

  • Janet Hughes

    Janet Hughes


    We contacted Marshall Alarm when we needed to update our 10 year + alarm system. We had contacted some of the bigger commercial companies and found them really expensive and impersonal. Debbie responded promptly and discussed our needs and wants. She did not try to "oversell" us; she simply explained the options and let us make our own decision. She was attentive and detailed answering all of our questions. The overall cost of the update and the monthly monitoring were very reasonable. MJ did the installation; he was very respectful of our home and did an outstanding job of installing the new equipment and showing us how to operate it. He made sure everything was working perfectly and didn't leave until we were completely satisfied. We had a wonderful experience with Debbie, Mj and the rest of the team. It was like working with family rather than some anonymous big company. 5 stars! Recommend highly!

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    Judi Gilligan


    Marshall Alarm was referred to me by a friend. After contacting them, their representative Debbie came by to assess my needs for a security system. She was very professional and knew exactly what I needed to feel secure in my home. She was personable and did not oversell. The day of install, Marshall Jr. came by to install. He was neat and did the job very professionally. He took his time explaining the use of the keypad to me-also offered me his cell phone in case I had any problems. I couldn't have asked for more! Very happy! Would highly recommend!!

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    Great staff. They’re very patient and answer all questions clearly and are very available.They don’t try to talk you into anything. The alarm system is very modern and simple. This is a local family company with people who are reliable and available.

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    Noah Sorkin


    I was so impressed by the quality and level of service provided by Marshall Alarm: they were responsive, professional, and wholly reliable. Debbie walked me through everything, and I just feel as if I'm finally in very good hands. GREAT COMPANY!!!!

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    Nicole Francis


    We have been serviced by Marshall Alarm for almost 4 years now. From our install to service calls we have never been disappointed. The staff has always been accommodating and responsive. Every time we have called the office the staff greets us with a warm hello and how can we help you. Kudos to the Team at Marshall Alarm!

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