Markowa Apteka Pharmacy en New York

Estados UnidosMarkowa Apteka Pharmacy



🕗 horarios

831, Manhattan Avenue, 11222, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-389-0389
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7285406, Longitude: -73.9536174

comentarios 5

  • en

    Ewa Pirog


    This is the worst pharmacy not sensitive kids with dissabilities I was screamed at by the pharmacist because My child takes one type of medication and they substidute it with another without my awerness when I went back to exchange it for the one my child took for the past 3 years he told he can sell it to me at full cost when the insurance covers like always. Then he kept raising his voice like I did something wrong. I only went to this pharmacy because the one I used to go closed down but I will never go here.

  • Ela Lasota

    Ela Lasota


    I placed the order on February 28. Today I pic up a package ( 15 April). As part of the compensation (for over 2 months of waiting) , I got free samples, which the pharmacy also receives for free. Unfortunately, I must gave 1 a star, because not possible 0 stars- what I regret.

  • Alyssa Moore

    Alyssa Moore


    Markowa..Jak się masz? For mail!!! Dziękuję- Jackson NJ❤️

  • loseyourself85



    It good also to pick up your medication

  • Lirof Lir

    Lirof Lir


    Just terrible pharmacy terrible people work in there i spend 3h weiting 4 my medicine before they told me to come back tommorow and that was alvays when i visit them alveys had to weit more than an hauor people working there dont tell mu much and are not willing to help you

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