Market House w Anaheim

Stany ZjednoczoneMarket House



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1313, Disneyland Drive, 92802, Anaheim, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 714-781-4565
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.81089, Longitude: -117.91882

komentarze 5

  • Mitchell Magner

    Mitchell Magner


    The Market House is not really here anymore... It is a Starbucks. Starbucks has nothing to do with Disneyland. It is an abomination. Disneyland is for helping us escape from the drudgery of the real world. A release. Used to be able to set a piece, play checkers next to an old stove, and get a proper cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate... Yay for modernization?

  • jon chua

    jon chua


    a Starbucks in a theme park... I would say this is a lot like having those Starbucks inside target... they take the Starbucks gift cards and reward points, but sometimes you can get special items not offered at other Starbucks. they have a cake pop here I haven't seen outside of the theme parks, and they also sell special disneyland "you are here" mugs. the lines are very long in the morning but the registers actually split off into 2 lines and they move quickly

  • en

    Ellen Chang


    This place takes sbux gift cards and mobile app payments which I love, even though prices are at least a dollar more than your drinks outside the park. Yes the line is long but it wasn't bad at all between ordering and receiving my drink. Also they have "you are here" collections for Disneyland if you're a collector.

  • Kayla Morgan

    Kayla Morgan


    This place was my godsend after early mornings and late nights. Plus I was able to use my Starbucks Gold Card and earn stars. It's also right next to the lockers we used and so we went often.

  • en

    Sheena Frederickson


    I liked it better before it was Starbucks you could keep your receipt and get free refills all day

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